It can take Him Hours to Respond. Can I Watch For Him to Text?

It can take Him Hours to Respond. Can I Watch For Him to Text?

Reader Question:

I really like this person and he has said the guy really likes myself. We texted over the past week, however now as I text him, it can take him hours to reply.

I really don’t wish to check compulsive, but I would like to speak chat with lesbians him.

Must I not text him and wait for him to content myself?

-Danielle (Kansas)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Response:

Dear Danielle,

We have two tips available.

1. End texting. Wait for his telephone call or ask him to call the very next time he texts.

2. End going after him. Men hate to search in a zoo.

You might have missing this one together with your zealousness. Next time you will contain yourself and allow him do the chasing.

Remember, sperm chases egg. Not the opposite.

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