Tag - airbrush style tattoo

So Amazing Tattoo And Airbrush & Airbrush Tattoos For Parties – Pinkiou.Com

Now I heard about this air brushing thing so amazing tattoo and airbrush, it seems pretty cool, but I just realized I might be in over my head a little bit which I can completely understand not all of us have a Kenny boo shay on speed, dial and so little secret or not really a secret pretty much everything I learned about air brushing was from Kenny, um, you know I haven’t extrapolated myself from trial and error, etc, etc, and you know it was kind of different for me changing my paint style from strictly layering too, you know a mixture of layering and air brushing was was the time saver, first off but it really you know up to my tattoo stencils airbrush.Kind of quality level and my paint game, so to speak you know it really is true like he can get more stuff done and you can actually do a whole lot more now recently I was able to kind of by necessity to pick up a new air brush and what I learned was I was like hey this is a perfect opportunity for so many people out there picking up air brushes for the first time maybe we’ll go over hey, what do you do now that you have your brush now this now this isn’t a tutorial on how to air brush like hey let’s put some paint, let’s go at it like Ken, he does that every week you know like I can’t do that better than Kennedy, but what I can do is show you the basics on how to basically set up your air brush for the first time, how how to clean it, you know some care for and stuff like that you know just basic hobby air brushing tips and tricks so to speak on how to get you up and running and what you need to do and how to keep your air brush clean, what to clean it with mistakes I’ve made in the past so you don’t have to repeat them and speaking of mistakes, it’s funny because I actually recorded this.Tutorial a couple weeks ago but then recently I say, um I say hey you know keep this end off of your air brush here it protects your needle, it’s a needle guard basically and I’m like just take that off and cause it doesn’t do anything practical when you’re actually air brushing as such because it kind of restricts you know I’m always in here messing with the needle itself, but as it turns out it actually performs one super important function and that is to protect the needle from you, but maybe more importantly you from the needle because as it happens you might notice this little scratch up here as much as I would like to say that from a cat, it’s from this needle right here because I was stupid and I bent over while it was in its little holder and I actually brushed up against it pretty forcefully and I’m actually lucky I didn’t lose my eye to be quite honest because that’s pretty close right there so it’s a it’s one of those things you don’t really think about til, it happens, but if you’re not using your brush or even if you are using your brush, you might want to consider keeping that keeping that.Down there I I know I definitely think twice about it now but that’s definitely one thing I wanted a little caveat I wanted to throw in there on this tutorial, now, that has happened and you can definitely see it on my head right there, so oh man, let’s just pretend to categorize was fine, so we get that didn’t happen alright let’s jump right into it.ZA.So now we’re gonna take a look at the air brush and this is the I wa to hpc’s a eclipse, it’s a it’s a really good high-quality air brushy goes for about 150 bucks, um in most stores, if you need it on Amazon for maybe a couple bucks cheaper or whatever, but you try to support your local stores where you can now if you look inside here, you can definitely notice that there’s something wrong z coating on the inside of this air brush has been eroded away now whether it’s from using a abrasive cleaners and or using a sonic wave jewelry cleaner and dipping it in it and clean it out, um that did that and removed the actual stainless steel coating from the innards like completely inside you can see down in there it took it off of everything, so I’m sure they use some sort of electoral ising process to plate, the stainless steel into this and I think I might have used the sonic.In a reverse that process so be careful when you’re using the sonic cleaners on this stuff, it might not be a good idea, now you could use it on some of the component parts perhaps and I’m not advocating this but stuff that doesn’t have a coding like some of the stuff on the insides here might be OK to use a little bit of a debris there on there on the needle, no big deal, so actually what I did was I was having a conference with Kenny next level painting about I was having some problems pushing paint and he’s just like man I just don’t get why your stuff doesn’t work sometimes and I’m like yeah some other picture of this he’s like ugh, that’s like a ten year old Airbus dog and I’m like maybe it’s time to maybe it’s time to get something new, so today on the channel, we have how to setup your brand new air brush because guess what I went out to my local hobby town here in fayetteville north Carolina a fantastic place that I like to frequent and I picked up a brand new I wanted hpc ‘s, this is what it looks like if you buy an odd.Normal box set comes with a little bit of lube which is fine I like I prefer to use hoppes number nine because it’s a cleaner de greaser and lubricate a as well, so it gets junk out, but it also lubricate and it comes with a little Chuck here to um, take the take the tipoff right there I had long since lost mine, so I was just using your nose pliers, but what I wanted to show you in this segment was basically how to set up your air brush, um to get ready to basically push some paint through it so we’ll be right back with that step, one is to basically take this thing off on the back here it’s just basically a needle Chuck protector, but what it does is actually hampers your ability to do anything useful in my opinion, you can tell here from this action, it’s a pretty smooth it’s probably comb pre lubricated from the factory here I’m going to check the tip out and it seems like it’s got some really good motion in there it’s not getting stuck on anything it’s nice and clean, more important.As you can see inside here and nothing is stripped out so we’re looking good to go there, the tip of the everything in here is looking good, now I’m not sure if this will separate all the actual nozzle did right here which is really interesting that that actually came off I don’t normally do that so I’m gonna carefully place that one back on there no I don’t really mess with that particular part there only if I need to pull out the one piece on the inside here, so I’m going to show you some typical maintenance on this thing as we go to get started now this thing you don’t want to over chalk, you don’t wanna over tighten, so a lot of times what I do is I get close, and then I just kind of hand crank it and just get on that because you don’t want to be too tight and that can become quite an issue when you’re working on your insides always pull back your needle and lock it in so you don’t have to worry about anything that happened in there so we’re gonna pull this out.And then you can see the brass I think they call this the nozzle it’s basically what directs the airflow and this this looks pretty clean, it’s a way better condition than the one a milder air brush so I’m just gonna put that back in there you can see the o ring, you can see some grease in there just to keep it all lubricated realign this up very gently, and like I said get it down to a point here and kind of hand twist it and give it one nice little torque, you don’t want to do it too heavy so there we go, and this this air brushed right here should be ready to go except for one little thing and I’m gonna put the eagle back in there except for one little thing and that’s a your air hose now one of the best things you can do once you’re setting up your air brush just grab you some teflon tape from the store, it’s really easy, it’s about um I don’t know a couple bucks, just tell them tough on tape, it’s usually in the plumbing section, you can tear it off, you don’t need any special tools or anything, what’s this going to do is make sure that you have a super airtight seal.Around your air hose here and stuff like literally.Basically go around those grooves there you can see it in the camera and we’re just gonna wrap all of that right there another cool tool, you can get and I believe this is your standard three eighth inch thread size right here, you can get this thing called a quick release valve, now this is the gmac from grex, but like I said it’s kind of a universal thing so you don’t have to super worry about any of that it’s going to put it right on here.So I got my tough on tape and what this is going to do for me is once I’m ready, you know at the end of the day if I want to take this and clean it in the bathroom or go soak it somewhere I don’t really have to you know do a whole bunch of twisting or anything to get my cord all braided I just basically put release it right off and they’re good to go and another thing that’s kind of cool and I I don’t really it doesn’t really come into play that much for me which you can control the airflow from here a lot of times I just keep it full blast regardless so I don’t quite worry about that but it’s nice to have that kind of a you know being able to kind of dial that in right from the air brush instead of reaching down to the compressor and mess around with that so I’m gonna put some teflon tape on the end here and then attach my air hose and fire up the compressor.So I take that all up right there as you can see attach my air hose turn on my compressor and I’ve got a really good seal not leaking air anywhere and now we can get down to the business of air brushing now for my compressor I have a badger air compressor I think it’s a one eighth horsepower compressor with a tank and air tank and what’s nice about it is you know you hear it going right now, but what it’s gonna do is it’s going to kick off as it fills up so it doesn’t constantly stay on now you can do a couple things like have a little fan down there a little external fan looks similar to a tabletop ones I use normally a to dry off wash and things like that and I have one down there, I’ll just kick it on when I’ve been working for about 45 minutes or so.And what that does, is it helps keep the the um, the engine and the internal parts kind of cool themselves, it pushes more air over top of the heat sink and just kind of helps out with things now prolonged use, probably not a good idea, but it gives you a little bit extra time you know in between you taking breaks and there it goes, it just kicks off so I’ve got the air pressure pulled up all the way to I think about sixty PS I can tell from here, it sounds you know it’s it’s full blast and you know it’s one of those things that you a lot of people don’t aren’t comfortable with it I wasn’t at first Kenny was like your heart, you just gotta do it was like I man, I’ll try and I did a lot of practice writing my name in cursive and things like that and so it’ll surely I definitely got used to it now, you can turn down with this little gmac valve, here you can turn it down to taste or turn it up or really get low right there you know what I mean, so you know it’s it’s kind of nice to have that connectivity and that that basically control right.But for the most part, I’m just gonna be blast and stuff, now it’s time for a color change and of course we got to clean out the air brush itself, you notice this is kind of messy it’s not too bad, but when we’re away from the sink, so we don’t have anything like that, now what I’m gonna do here is I’m gonna grab this little um I don’t know goose neck I will go with goose neck kind of squirt bottle thing and I’m gonna hose down all up into the reservoir here and get out, all those big chunks and the rest of the loose paint and kind of be able to see down in there all the way which you can see now and then I’m going to hose it really hard boom and get all that junk out of there in case there’s anything big just kind of hide and do that a couple of times give a couple of rents and then what I’m gonna do is put a little bit of water in there and coming with a big piece of foam and what that’s gonna do is that’s going to get all my chunks out before I start.Any back flow or anything, because, now you don’t have to, if you want a nice big fade in between each, um, you know color change, you really don’t have to do this, you can just kind of add a little bit of color to your reservoir and go and just have slight gradations, if you’re doing working with big flat surfaces, but for this particular one I’m just like you know what, let me get this on film I want to show you guys basically what to do so now that I’ve got all my big chunks and I’ve gotten the reservoir mostly clean there’s still stuff down in here in the nozzle and everything, so I’m gonna add a little bit of water and what I’m gonna do is do this thing called back flush where I put my finger over the front here first down.And both the back and all that pain that was up in there is now coming out so I’m gonna do that really forcefully like a mountain eruption gonna get all that junk out there now get in here with some.Water and kind of loosen NATO until it starts to get clear again, you can start to see hey it’s really starting to get cleaner right do a couple more a couple more flushes work, some of that color out of there thus not letting your paint dry in the needle and stuff and now keep in mind too I got this little light trail water here it’s like a double tray, so I don’t have to worry about it too much slash everywhere, I’m working in my air brush head, normally I would have this on for the audio, I just didn’t wanna between the compressor and everything going so you can see, it’s got mostly cleaned out. We’re gonna hit it a little bit more another flush now when I pull this needle out, it’s gonna get all this stuff on the needle two and then you see that little flush of color to pull the needle out.Hey with my fingers here and there is a little bit on the end, so I want to be careful and just use my finger now and just nudge it a little bit, nothing too crazy.Gotta be very careful working with the needle here don’t want to mess it up and then when it seats it should seem nice and easy into there I’m gonna lock you back in dump this out, now there’s gonna be a little bit of green in here and that’s fine because it will just work its way through the next coloration which is going to be a brighter green, if I was going to come in with a white or something, I’d be more concerned with getting this cleaner but for you know just going green to green I think it’s good to go there.Now that you’re all done with your project and you’ve cleaned out the air brush as best as you can for you know to basically you’re completely done with it for the day got all your debris off the needle here, the inside looks pretty good, I mean it’s a little wet but that’s whatever at this point, you’re gonna want to basically put this away now you might have stuff down in here that hasn’t dried yet or that a may present a problem in the future and there’s a couple different ways you can, you can deal with this first off you can grab a little container put a little bit cleaner in here now, this is the old purple power, I’m not sure it’s bad for the insides, but this particular piece in here the needle nozzle doesn’t have the stainless steel coating on its just a brass fitting, it looks like so I’m not not pretty confident that it won’t hurt that if you let it soak overnight, conversely you can do, um the shot glass method where if you want to um, just leave it soaking in a shock. Glass filled with air brush cleaner I used the vallejo stuff because you know it’s basically their stamp of approval, you know we mess up your brush just basically fill up your air brush a your little shot glass right here, I’d say about halfway with this right, so just hose it down, maybe like a quarter away and then hit it with some water up till the point where you’re gonna actually insert your hairbrush right you’re going to basically put it in here, but you want to get some of this stuff on the inside just to let everything soak and then you should put it down in there and it’s soaking wet, you can take the needle out too and let that kind of do is um, it’s thing to I have my spare one from my old air brushing here just in case this one gets clogged I can quick switch ’em out, hopefully get up and run it again real quick, while the other one soaks and you know basically becomes decreased and things like that, so this is basically how I’ll leave it if you have pets, you know make.Take precautions so that they won’t come up and start licking the air brush cleaner, it can be good for him, you know so I try to keep my stuff inside my air brush booth and I kind of barricaded in here, so the cats won’t come up in here and start licking on it and I get a bad tummy ache or possibly worse but that’s um that’s pretty much it right there you know wring out all your supplies dry everything off and get everything, put away and get ready for our next day of air brushing so hopefully you enjoyed our little tips and tricks on how to get up and running and clean your brand new air brush today I’m spiky spiky bits.